Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Another day complete...

Another day of Homeschooling completed. I have to say, I'm really loving it! So is Olivia. I think Danielle might be starting to get jealous, but I don't want her to choose homeschooling based on that, know what I mean? That's not an acceptable reason for me, although I would LOVE to Homeschool her as well and I have no doubt that she will choose that option down the road. Anyway, my plan is to just reinforce how much I love her and spend more one on one time with her. I think that will ease her worries. I sure hope so, I love my lil Danielle. My girls are my heart.

This week we rearranged Olivia's subjects so that we could spend more time on one subject and have lighter Fridays and although we're only through with two days, it's really working out. We've finished early both days, which allows me to go over topics we've covered, to reinforce them. The more days that pass, the more confident I feel about what a great decision this has been for my family.

I also have more ammunition when I face opposition from those I know. (Including some family members) Although some days I have felt really annoyed, my goal is to educate rather than be defensive and further advance their already questionable opinions of me. A few times I have been able to stop the judgements in their tracks just by taking the time to explain the reasons that this is the route we've chosen, along with facts and experience to go along with it. Of course there are those just looking for a reaction and have meanness in their heart. Those you can't really do anything about. I've found, though, that a lot of people are as uneducated on the subject as I was, and have formed opinions based on misinformation and negative hearsay.

Anyway...the point of all this, is that Homeschooling is going really well and my family is really content with this, and that's really all I can ask for! :-)

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