I have single friends, okay, and most of their ideas regarding love is FANTASY. Big time. White knights. No fights. All blissful and happy and all things fiction. Even though I know that 11 years isn't all that long of a time to be married, I do feel like I have a valid thought on the idea...My husband and I have been through a LOT. And let me tell you this, there were many nights I didn't think we were going to last. No one did. And without God we probably wouldn't have. And who knows what the future holds, but as for right now...I just want to say this.
LOVE is way more than a feeling. It is a CHOICE. There are going to be days when you don't FEEL like loving someone. You're angry. You're tired. You're busy. You're whatever...but you're not always going to look at this person and say, Ohhh I just love you so much kissey kissey kissey. Sorry. Not going to happen. So what do we do in those situations? We say Okay. Even though I don't FEEL like loving you right now, I'm going to choose to love you anyway. I don't know of any lasting relationship that is solely based on feelings. Not even our relationship with Jesus is based on feelings. It's based on FAITH. And that is really similar to our spousal relationships. I choose to love my husband even though I don't have any guarantees that he will always be faithful. That he will always love me back. Know what I mean?
I got married 3 days after I turned 18 and we had every possible odd stacked against us. I THOUGHT I loved him. But guess what? That was pure and simple lust. Now...having been married literally through good and bad, rich and poor, sickness and health, 2 children and so on and so forth...I KNOW that I love him. Not because I always FEEL like it. And I'm sure there are days when he doesn't feel like loving me! Heck, I can be so mean my own dog probably doesn't feel like loving me! LOL But anyway...I don't really know what my point is...or was...but I just felt like sharing this.
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